Mohraan Farms

How They Transformed Ancestral Land into an Enchanting Monsoon Haven: The Story of Mohraan Farms

Established by the Adhikari family, Mohraan Farms in Thane, Maharashtra, offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the enchantment of a food forest and embrace the beauty of nature.

People often say that Maharashtra truly comes to life during the monsoon season. If you’ve ever been to the Adhikari family’s Mohraan Farms in Thane, you’d understand why this sentiment holds true.

When you settle into the charm of staying at the farm, you’ll quickly realize why some refer to it as a “living postcard.” The tranquility that takes over as evening approaches is nothing short of captivating.

Imagine a collection of charming cottages surrounded by a food forest. How did Mohraan Farms, situated in the midst of bustling Mumbai, transform into this haven of nature? What’s so extraordinary about it that city dwellers flock here every monsoon, seeking clearer skies and brighter days?

Well, the story begins in 2015.

Mohraan Farms view

Sachin Adhikari, a 39-year-old engineer, had an epiphany when his four-year-old daughter Saee showed little progress in weight and height over a few months. This was a concern for a child of her age.

Sachin and his wife Shraddha decided to dig deep and find the underlying cause. After consulting with medical experts, they discovered a simple reason behind it all: insufficient and improper nutrition.

Seeking a healthier lifestyle

They quickly realized that they had a source of organic food close at hand – their ancestral land in Thane had become a thriving food forest.

Mohraan Farm

This vast ancestral land, spanning seven acres, was bought by the Adhikari brothers’ father, Savlaram, nearly 40 years ago when he was a teacher in Mumbai. After retiring in 2000, he moved to the village and dedicated himself to transforming the land. He kickstarted the process by cultivating mango, chikoo, coconut, and cashew plants, intending to turn the land into a fruitful orchard.

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Fast forward to 2016, when Sachin, Shraddha, their daughter, and Sachin’s brother Sameer began frequenting the ancestral land weekly in search of organic food options. They split their time between the village and Mumbai, spending several days each week at the farmstay. To facilitate the farming work, they even constructed a couple of cottages on the land for the staff.

However, in 2020, when the pandemic hit and the city went into lockdown, the family made a decision – why not relocate to the village for a few months? They found themselves so enamored with the village life that they decided to stay for good.

In response to the pandemic-induced changes, they expanded the cottages to accommodate more people and enhanced the kitchen facilities. Sameer reflects, “That’s when we realized that we could share the enchanting experience we had with others,” and that’s exactly what they did.

Towards the end of 2020, Mohraan Farms welcomed its first group of guests, marking the beginning of a new chapter.

An enchanting food forest

According to Sameer, once visitors arrive at the farmstay, they never find themselves with nothing to do. But what truly captivates everyone, even to this day, is immersing themselves in the enchantment woven by the food forest.

Mohraan Farm room

Describing his father’s creation, Sameer explains that a food forest mimics the structure of a wild forest, where food is grown in a way that resembles the natural ecosystem. He says, “This diverse, layered landscape is free from harmful chemicals, ensuring the soil remains undisturbed. This creates a harmonious natural balance. Guests not only get to marvel at the trees, but they can also take part in activities like harvesting, planting, sowing, pruning, and more.”

When guests aren’t off on leisurely strolls, there’s an array of activities to enjoy. Sachin adds, “There’s kayaking, taking refreshing dips in the river, trekking, exploring picturesque waterfalls in the nearby hills, informative farm tours led by us, cycling, indoor games like pool, carrom, board games, archery, and much more.” He emphasizes that among all these options, sometimes the most valuable activity is simply “doing nothing.”

Mohraan Farms River Rafting

Sachin adds, “Visitors get a chance to reconnect with nature and just exist in the moment.” A typical day at the farmstay starts with the delightful melody of chirping birds. Guests can opt for adventurous activities or simply take a leisurely stroll along the paths.

A highly exciting activity that gets the heart racing is kayaking. As Sameer details, a stream flows through the farm, providing a shallow yet consistent watercourse perfect for kayaking. “We provide life jackets and basic training to those interested, so they can try it out themselves, free of charge.”

After a fulfilling day of various activities, guests can unwind and indulge in a lavish feast prepared by the family, using the produce grown right on their land.

“We gather about 70 percent of our food right from the food forest,” Shraddha shares, emphasizing how the diversity of the crops and the quality of the soil contribute to the exceptional harvest. She’s proud that they maintain a balance between nutritious and delicious food.

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Mohraan Farms food

“Our team consists of locals from nearby villages like Sakurli and Kambe. This means they possess valuable knowledge about the wild edible plants found around the farm, as well as the unique perennial plants within the food forest,” she further explains.

Detailing the menu, she mentions that the dishes offered at any given time usually include wild vegetables that are in season. She elaborates, “For example, during the early monsoon, we have an abundance of the cassia tora herb, so our menu showcases dishes like vegetables, pickles, and more made from it.”

Additionally, guests are always encouraged to participate in learning traditional recipes from the skilled women on the farm.

“You’ll never want to go back to the city.”

As the Adhikari family rightly puts it, once you step into Mohraan Farms, you’ll find yourself completely immersed in its charm. The welcoming atmosphere created by Sameer, Sachin, Shraddha, and their dedicated team, which includes eight skilled women managing the kitchen and ten men taking care of the farm, feels almost too good to be true.

Mohraan cottage

When it comes to accommodations, the farmstay provides a variety of options. You can choose from cozy tents, cottages with views of the stream, and more luxurious glory cottages. The packages, which cover a one-day and one-night stay for a couple and include all meals, are priced at Rs 5,000 for a tent, Rs 8,000 for a glory cottage, and Rs 12,000 for a cottage with a stream view.

Every month, the family warmly welcomes around 300 guests, making it a truly popular destination.

Book your stay here